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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  April 17, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. we start tonight with breaking news out of has rocked a small town near
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waco these are live pictures from above the town of west, texas. grant lodes is here with the latest. we start tonight with breaking news out of has rocked a small town near waco. grant lodes is here with the latest. a massive explosion at a fertilizer plant in the city of west texas.just niorth of waco.has injured several people. these are live pictures above the area. we're learning dozens of people are ceo told to expect more than 100 people needing medical attention. the football field at a local high school is at anow at eight: a triage.. >> dispatcher: there are firefighters down.
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>> we have many people down. please respond. >> dispatcher: i will send everybody. it that we have, there are firefighters and there has been in the explosion at the fertilizer plant >> reporter: you can hear the seriousness. the fire is west, in relation to waco, dallas. to show you, where this was that exploded. you can see that nothing really of consequence to the east but look at the west. this is the middle school that burned. this high school is a triage. and it. and more homes here. with a large area. i just heard that there were 5 mi. away, their front door was blown off. !
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this is a major, breaking news in dallas. this is in west texas. not that far from waco. the repercussions, continue to be very serious and we will continue to bring you updates. >> pam: now at 8:00 p.m., official denials of an arrest in the boston bombing. rumors spreading as the fbi calls off a scheduled announcement. >> not everything at every investigation can be disclosed. are finding at the scene. new information on the chinese student identified as the third person killed. and an update on the condition of the bay area boy gravely injured by the bombs. it is a day of developments out of boston. following
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the deadly terror attack. here's what we know right investigators are trying to track down a person of interest. seen in a department store's surveillance video. dropping off a bag at the site of the bombings. dozens of people who were treated for injuries in the bombings have now been released from the hospital. the death toll in the attack stands at three. grant lodes is here now with more. >> reporter: they are saying that the surveillance video from a lord & taylor. where this person was dropping a bag they have not sure if that identification has been made. however, he is a person of interest. they show another back that is
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just moments from the explosion. there are more images. however, in the first in the second bomb where there were two men that were seen with to backpacks. this video has not been released. however, the video does include that there is video footage /photographs with men with backpacks. still, no arrests have been made. we are waiting on this and keep you updated as well. at the boston bruins game today. they resumed playing there was a chilling national anthem will bring that to you in its entirety, later. pam? >> pam: one of those injured in the blasts was 11 year old aaron hern from martinez. hern was in surgery again this afternoon. kron 4's j.r. stone is following the story. he has been in contact with his
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family. j.r.? >> reporter: the news from the hospital pam is good. the trauma surgeon successfully closed aaron's wounds a matter of hours ago. 11 year old aaron hern was hit with shrapnel when the bombs went off at the end of the boston marathon. he had been waiting with his father and sister for his mother to finish. his father described his injuries on his son's leg as looking like a war wound. well they likely look better than that tonight. the successful surgery means aaron will not need skin grafts. he also hasn't been able to talk because of the breathing tube that is being used. his mother told us earlier today that doctors were hoping to take that out. at this point though that hasn't happened. when aaron does occasionally wake up he uses a touchpad to write what he is thinking. he is starting to remember things as well. he told his mom he was worried about a boy who was next to him before the blasts and his new friend david. david is fine.
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again though pam, the good news is that surgery went well. now there is a hope that he doesn't have to deal with any infections. there's also a hope that the fever's he's been having will stop. >> pam: and there are a lot of people rooting for him. >> reporter: there are at least five businesses and growing by the minute. these are businesses that are not only taking donations but also taking a portion of their profits and giving them to the families. >> pam: j. r. stone, thank you. new tonight at 8-- a story you'll see only on kron 4-- a san francisco woman is back home. after a rough few days in boston. today, leica carpo was reunited with one of her younger sisters, margaret. who is visiting the bay area from spain for a conference. on monday, leica carpo ran the boston marathon with her other sister amanda. both finished more than a half hour before the
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bombings. leica says, she is typically a slower runner than her sister, but she says, this time she ran her fastest race, and that may have saved her life. >> my sister and my two friends are much faster than me. the good thing about this is that i did not want them to wait so i picked up my taste. i did not want them to wait. they were waiting for me so i picked up my -- pace. i do not know where i would be"thinking about today." >> pam: this was carpo's third boston marathon, and she says it will not be her last. tonight at 11, we'll hear from carpo's sister margaret, who talks about how releived she is that her sister is okay. >> new tonight at 8-- we want to give you a closer look at what's happening with the investigation in boston, including details on the video camera that may have captured images of a person of interest. kron 4's charles clifford has a virtual tour of the crime scene.
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>> reporter: monday's explosions in boston occurred here and here along boylston street... immediately afterwards investigators blocked off a very large area... about 15 blocks... today, that crime scene has been shrunk down to what you see here. forensic teams are continuing to sweep this entire area for evidence,, focusing mainly along boylston, near the sites of the two explosions. let's move in and take a closer look. this is where the first bomb exploded.. very close to the finish line of the arathon, but a lot of attention today has been focused on the site of the second explosion.. which is about 200 yards to the west....near the intersection of ring road and boylston street. it's believed that the bomb was placed near... this... green mailbox. there have been reports today that video surveillance cameras in the area may have captured images of a possible person of interest dropping a suspicious item here. now directly across the intersection is a lord and taylor department store. and on the rooftop.. right on the corner here.. is a camera that looks down on where the bomb exploded.
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this is a photograph, taken by the associated press, that shows crime scene technicians working near the second bomb site.. here's that green mailbox... this photo was taken from the rooftop of lord and taylor and you can actually see that surveillance camera here at the bottom of the this angle could be very similar to what the video camera may have recorded. but at this point, investigators have not released any images of this person of interest, nor do we know for sure if this is the camera that captured those images. finally, we expect that investigators will keep this area closed for at least another day.. if not longer and we are hoping to get more information about this clifford kron 4 news. >> pam: new tonight at 8- officials at a bay area battery company say, they believe a part they manufacture. was used in the bombing. a spokesman for fremont- based "tenergy corporation" says. based on crime scene photos. the company believes one of its batteries was used in the bombs. the company says the battery is sold in retail outlets and frequently used in various toys like radio- controlled cars and trucks. a tenergy offial says the company is horrified. the company says it has reached out to boston police and the f-b-i. but hasn't heard directly from
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investigators. we will continue to follow this developing story. and bring you the latest updates here on kron 4. on our 24/7 bay area news channel- comcast 193. and on our website. kron4 dot com. >> new tonight at eight. the family of a south bay teen who killed herself. after reportedly being bullied with pictures showing her being sexually assaulted. has filed a legal claim against her high school. audrie pott's family says the school was negligent. district officials are defending their actions. as kron four's terisa estacio reports, legal experts say this is a case that could affect schools everywhere. >> what did at the school know and what did they know about it? >> reporter: the school officials could be facing legal action. serious legal action if they failed to take appropriate disciplinary actions. school know and when did they know it. former prosecutor and criminal deffense attorney
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steven clark says school officials could be facing serious legal action if they failed to take appropriate disciplianry steps against 3 saratoga high school students. the teens have been arrested for sexually assautled audrie pott at a home here in saratoga. pott reportedly drank gatorade laced with alcohol, passed out but then awoke with her pants off, and notes scribbled on her body about the assault. authoriteis say a picture of the assault was later passed around on campus amongst students. days later audrie hanged herself in her parents bathroom. >> where this school could be found is that this cyber bullying is a 24-hour torment of the trial. it is not just a one time it is nonstop. they cannot get away from it and it spread, quickly. there has to be a new sensitivity. >> certainly off campus, but. >> this cyber bullying 24 7, >> reporter: the district late wednesday claimed that it did all it could legally against the 3 teens, expelling them from highschool sports, including kicking them off the football team. however, clark says, what happens in this case could
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send a strong message to other schools. >> i think school districts are run the nation are watching this case as a test case are around the nation. you are going to seek changes. >> reporter: in saratoga, terisa estacio, kron 4 news. ♪ >> pam: coming up at 8:00 p.m.. the reactions from president obama and concerns wind metal rods snapped on the new span of the bay bridge. when metal rods snapped you kids should count yourselves lucky.
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we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> new tonight at 8:00 p.m. the boston bruins hockey team is back on the ice tonight. the first major sporting a event since the bombing. the longtime
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national anthem starts and the people of boston take over. (singing 'the national anthem") (in unisom) (group singing) live comfortabl a chilling tribute for a
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sports town trying to keep strong. tonight. ahead at eight. angry reaction from the president. after a gun control package was defeated today in the senate.
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>> pam: the u-s senate has blocked a proposal. to expand background checks on gun sales. the plan failed to get the 60 votes needed to pass. sparking anger from the president. and disappointment from the parents of the school children who were massacred last winter in newtown, connecticut. >> we are failing to pass this law. to protect these children and these parents and it is not going to happen. ".not gonna happen" >> pam: congresswoman gabrielle giffords also stood by the president's side today. the final vote tally was 54 to 46, with mostly democrats and two republicans voting for for the measure. the proposal was part of a compromise struck by a democratic and republican senator. it was backed by president obama, but faced fierce opposition from the national rifle association. a ban on assault weapons also failed. along with the bid to block the sale of high capacity ammunition clips. >> tonight we're learning the name of the suspect who
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is believed to have mailed letters filled with a deadly poison. to president obama and a mississippi senator. federal agents say, they have arrested 45-year-old paul kevin curtis of mississippi. the deadly substance. is known as ry-sin. both letters were facilities. and both were post-marked memphis, tennessee - april 8th. the white house says, staffers followed a careful drill in handling the letters. and no one was injured. >> jacqueline: we are seeing some pretty mild conditions. '70s in napa. it is going to be a mild night tonight. we can see that through the bay bridge toll plaza. even
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warmer tomorrow with that warming trend continuing. it is because of the high pressure. that is well to the north we can see that it is driving up towards washington. it will keep our sky is clear. temperatures in the 50s bay- area wide. quickly getting to the '60s and '70s. widespread 70's for the 3:00 p.m. hour with the 60s for the immediate coast. temperatures in your neighborhood. '70s in the south bay, even upper 70's! 78 in cupertino. we will see temperatures in the upper 70's in concord, pleasanton, 80s in antioch. temperatures in the low 70's the same for the peninsula. and 70's also for the north bay low 60s
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for the coast. the sea breezes will stay for the immediate coast for tomorrow afternoon. a look a your extended forecast. friday, saturday, sunday will have more 80s away from the coast on friday and saturday with widespread 80s on sunday. even nearly 94 the inland valleys. and remember you can watch the weather forecast whenever it is convenient for you on our 24/7 bay area and live traffic. it's on comcast 193 and you >> pam: bay bridge safety concerns still unfolding. newly released documents show. state transportation officials expressed concern about the integrity of some steel components for the new bridge, more than four years ago. according to published
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reports. in 2008, cal-trans criticized the bridge contractor for rushing the test schedule. and delivering products that did not meet specifications. this information comes, as engineers try to determine what caused dozens of metal rods -- like this one-- to snap, earlier this year. the parts are meant to keep the bridge safe during an earthquake. on a fix. it is not known if the opening will be affected. >> dialysis patients, beware! and update you did not want to mess. >> gary: the latest with the sports, joe montana. and update to do not want to -- miss...
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>> 100,000 people are on a list for the transplants. i and 18,000 people but no,
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there is hope. 40 scientists, with uc scientists are working to create and artificial kidney this could relief 380,000 americans to go undergo dialysis on a regular basis. it is a silicone filter and like its own kidneys filter. a successful soartificial kidney would also help this is still in the test phase. mickey levy august, kron 4 news vicki...liviakis... ñç
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joinjo us at
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>> jacqueline: clear skies over the bay bridge your full forecast, coming up. you kids should count yourselves lucky. we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are.
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you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> this massive fertilizer explosion north of waco, texas. this is a live picture and you can see the fire. the entire town of west is he being evacuated. a second tank is not exploded but it could be. already, one tank has exploded with 50 people injured. a nursing home in
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the city of 'wess'... and pas as required medical attention with off/a duty and honor and duty have been requested. look at that huge plume of smoke. this is during daylight hours after the explosion. that fireball with police officers are taking victims to the hospital even in patrol cars. a local middle school football field is no a makeshift tirage. triage unit, this town of wess.. that is the football field that is no a triage center. it is not a big town. it is pretty rural. and that
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nursing-home a partially collapsed. 2 mi. away, the people's windows & doors were blown in. this chaotic scene and this was from a fertilizer plant that exploded. >> pam: now for a look at our top stories at 830. it appears the killing of a paramedic in oakland was a random act. was a random act. quinn boyer was shot in the head while driving in the oakland hills earlier this month. five young teenage boys are accused in the crime-- they are all between 14 and 16 years old. three of the suspects were arraigned at the alameda county juvenile justice center today the alameda county d-a is seeking to charge the juvenile defendants as adults. >> in saratoga. school officals are speaking about the case involving audrie pott. the teen who took her own life months after pictures reportedly surfaced of her being sexually assaulted at a party. three teenagers have been arrested. audrie's family accuses the district of failing to take
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action. the district says it did what it could. >> tonight, an 11-year old boy from martinez remains in a boston hospital. after being seriously injured in the boston marathon bombing. aaron was with his family. cheering on his mother when the bombs went off. the young boy has now undergone multiple surgeries. a family friend tells kron4 the surgery went well. and he is recovering. >> boston unversity has confirmed, the third victim in monday's bombing was a graduate student from china. 23 year old ling-zi lu was studying mathematics. kron four's catherine heenan has the latest on the human toll from the bombing. >>catherine: this is the third victim. all as they stood near the finish line of the boston marathon. on the last day of her life she said my wonderful breakfast.
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among the 14,000 comments. this was asking why terrorists would want to harm her? another chinese student is also treated at a half-dozen boston hospitals. all of them are expected to survive but they suffered horrible wounds. >> ask today seven amputations on five patients. >> how do you tell somebody that you are going to lose a limb? >> you have to be honest with the patients it is difficult. >>catherine: these victims were taken at a half dozen hospitals and all of the 187 people, two-thirds have been released. 17 people remained in critical condition. catherine heenan, kron 4. >> pam: we will bring you the latest on remember, you can go to our 24/7 new channel comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates. updates and
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11:00 p.m. ("closing bell") >> pam: now for today's market update. just one week after the market hit an all-time high. stocks fell amid new signs economy. poor earnings news from bank of america. and an apparent drop in demand for apple i- pods and i-phones. also contributed to the drop. here are the closingthe dow lost 138- points nasdaq fell 60- points. the s-and-p 500. fell 22- points. >> jacqueline: it certainly was nice out today with two- five degrees warmer and here is a look at our high temperatures. the 60s, the 70's, nearly everywhere. half moon bay, was 57 degrees. 60s and santa rosa.
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71 in richmond. '70s in oakland really a nice afternoon. it remains a fairly nice evening. still, 58 in richmond. sunnyvale, and pleasanton is going to be a mild night tonight. the wind has died down and it will stay warm overnight. with 40's tomorrow. mild temperatures and the calm winds even if warmer with two-five degrees of warming up expected. that will continue for the weekend. i will tell you more about that and a look a your extended forecast, coming up. for the first time in more >> pam: than 40 years. san francisco's exploratorium has a new home along the waterfront. kron 4's maureen kelly was there for the re-opening. and gives us peek inside >> reporter: the new location cost 300- million dollars. this is much bigger, with
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three times the size. giving them a lot of room for installation like this is a tree experience showing a route structure. of a large douglas-fir and this split right down in the middle so you can see the tree rings. this also gives them the space of 150 new exhibits. like this mirror which allows people to interact with an upside-down version of themselves. however, do not despair. there are still a lot of the old favorites on display over here is the workshop where visitors can watch for themselves. science developing new exhibits. the bay observatory takes advantage of this new location of its waterfront. in addition to the views there is a of natural world like this tactile chart. tickets = $25
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however, residents are going to get a discount. and a large outdoor a red that is free. you can experience this outdoor-event is free. like the fog experience. maureen kelly, kron 4. >> coming up the library in el sobrante.. with stanley roberts. look at them kids. [ sigh ]
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they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> take a very close look; i'll leave the video up for a bit. if you notice there are two people and man and a woman both have syringes in their hands as for what is in the two syringes, well i'm not an expert all i know is that what i'm showing you they are under this bridge in the town of el sobrante just off san pablo man road what brought me here was this porta potty, one of the only one's i have seen with a notice that it's under 24 hour survalliance
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this pota potty is located right behind the el sobrante library located on appian way nestled right next to san pablo creek a watershed the portable toilet was placed there because people were going down to the creek and using it as a public restroom i took a walk around that area the first thing i noticed was this capped syringe only a few hundred feet from this playground not to mention all the disgarded liquor bottles scattered about and all the spray paint cans from grafitti artist yes there is grafitti painted under the bridge some not so bad looking albiet it illegal and i did see evidence that the park and creek have been used as public tiolet and even a used diaper disposal area i spoke to business owners who tell me there has been a problem with this creek for a while and it's not
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uncommon to find used needles scattered around as it relates to trash, the creek is slightly cleaner than many other creeks i have seen in a while but then again the porta potty that is under 24 hour survalliance was also preety clean inside oh and before we go lets check in on the couple with the syringes, oh shhhhhh they are fast asleep let get out of here they need their rest , in el sobrante stanley roberts kron 4 news >> pam: gary radnich coming up with sports. ♪
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>> jacqueline: we saw several areas of warming. and temperatures are on an upward trend. more widespread 70's. and the 80s on friday and saturday. a look outside on satellite and radar we are seeing clear skies over the bay area. the high pressure building with the well to the north with not much cloud coverage. it is going to stay warm. they look at futurecast. temperatures in the 50s. temperatures are quickly warming up intos and e'.
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widespread 70's with 60s. the coast. let us take a look of the morning lows. 40's for the most part. 44 and napa. 40's in vallejo, and for the afternoon things are going to rebound nicely. 70 degrees in cupertino. and san jose for the inland valleys temperatures are looking at also the 70's and concord. 77 in livermore. temperatures are going to be in the '70s as well with low 70's close to the coast. and with the sea breezes in ocean city, they do not want to quit along the immediate coast. 70's also in berkeley, alameda and also for the north bay. a look at your extended forecast. with more warming with two-five degrees warmer than today. and the same for tomorrow,
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friday, saturday. temperatures are going to reach nearly the 80s! neeven near 90's. and the coast today. temperatures are going to be in the 60s. >> the update out of taxes to just north of waco. a massive explosion of -- texas. we are hearing that this is a massive situation. dozens could be dead. we are hearing that 60-70 people could be dead. that is from a hospital official. the fertilizer plant exploded. there is a middle school and a nursing home had partial damage. this is brand new video. this dramatic video
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what this fireball and watch. this just entirely blows up. this fertilizer plant in the city of wess.. north of waco, texas. it could have killed nearly 60- 70 people. a hospital official is estimating that that is the number of people with five of firefighters. and a police officer. and the town is being evaluated as this is volatile. they are concerned that this other fertilizer container could also explode. remember, you can go to our 24/7 new channel comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates. gary radnich >> the giants is the final in milwaukee at this hour.
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>> gary: the giants lost last evening and a different story tonight. pretty decent pitching. and it continues to go feet deep of vogelson. and 3-1 = poor worse. hunter pens is going to go to center field. and . pence... and as we go to the bottom of the night. with runners on second, third the of loaded the bases. and blake drove one over to the left-handed field and it would have been a sacrifice. the brewers beat the giants. four-three = final score. the a's look decent. how bad is it for the 4-11 astros? during batting practice the batting bullpen coach jeff take anothr look murphy and bruised knee and checkbud
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norris n ovato native making the start for the josh reddick doubles off the right center field wall chris young and seth smith score 3-1 a's bottom 4th the astros justin maxwell makes a great diving catch to rob john jaso of extra bases despite this the a's built a 7-1 lead top 9th/ lead whittled down to 7-5 a's plate grant balfour induces jose altuve to hit into the game- ending 4-6-3 double play final: 7-5 a's >> of steven curry he is number one at 270 no one has ever gotten to that point. with 270 three- pointers. right now, the warriors are at halftime and they are up by 15 points. up to their sixth seed and with
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a 14 point lead and more than likely, they will open the playoffs with the denver, this weekend. and for the first timethe first pro sports event in boston since the bombings here's a cool fact every bruins player lives in the city of boston (singing 'the national anthem") an ovation for the first responders in attendance shootout the sabres drew safford scores the games winner never the less pro sports is back in boston final: 3-2 sabres i was just on the phone from a back a bill. and they said why did the same sweet caroline at the yankee game
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and that is their song. from the red sox. and i would say that don from---vacaville.. watches every night. don clancy from vacaville.. with the packers. the deal in his dad's footsteps and on comcast channel 193. >> it is awesome i love the bay area. it is a great place i've lived here and corrupt my entire life. in that aspect is of some to come here where my dad
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played. it is test-awesome. i lived here and -- grew up here. it is a blessing-and a curse. but you try to ignore that that is the son of joe montana. we just go and say tomomg,g, stop. jack, your new chipotle chicken club is craze amaze. annnd chipotle is totes trending. spspicicy crispy chicken, hicky smoked bacon,on memeltlting cheese, and smoky chipotle sauce plus fries anand d a drink for $4.99? tht combo is chipot-cray. anand d chipotle is my hashtag faveflave. lelet t me guess-you're the nw social media intern.nt yeyeahah! grgreaeat. i'm late for a mee. can you make some copies? .....w.with the tanning bede
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fast ♪ >> tim hardaway, his son made a decision on weather to stay at michigan or turn professional. >> i am going to forgo my senior year. and enter myself as a draft. >> with 14 points as michigan made it to the national championship game. and of course, just as
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recovering on the air. the big story in the waco, texas. >> pam: yes, but will have of states have that and boston at 11:00 p.m., good night. with updates from waco, texas and boston and at 11:00 p.m.
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